IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR) Best Paper Award “Compliant Spherical Joint Design for Reconfiguration of Variable Topology Truss” by Hyeungyu Yoon, Jangho Bae, Haorui Li, TaeWon Seo, and Mark Yim
Congrats to ModLab postdoc Jangho Bae and MS student Haorui Li, as well as our collaborators Hyeungyu Yoon and Professor TaeWon Seo from Hanyang University!
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft): April 7, Best Student Paper Award, “Multimodal Proximity and Visuotactile Sensing for a Selectively Transmissive Soft Membrane” by Jessica Yin, Gregory M. Campbell, James Pikul, and Mark Yim
Congrats to ModLab PhD students Jessica Yin and Greg Campbell!
(Photo is missing Mark)
See Jessica’s talk on Youtube here.
IEEE Spectrum: January 5th, Robots Made of Ice Could Build and Repair Themselves on Other Planets
TechXplore: February 25th: Modboat: A low-cost aquatic robot with a single motor
Knowable Magazine: February 5th, Q&A — Roboticist Mark Yim: Robots designed to self-construct
Engadget: July 23rd, Researchers develop modular bots that combine to form a single flexible machine
The New Stack: March 15th, These Modular Drones Self Assemble To Build Cooperative Structures in Mid-Air
DroneBelow: March 13th, These Modular Drones Can Join Forces to Create Flying Platforms
Discovery Canada, Daily Planet: March 12th, These Flying Robots Stick Together
El Espanol: February 17th, Drones autonomos capaces de formar un ejambre para trabajar conjuntamente
Focus: January 27th, L’armarta dei droni che si assemblano in volo
INTERESTING ENGINEERING: January 19th, These Robots Can Assemble in Midair
Microsiervos: January 15th, Drones autonomos que se unen en pleno vuelo para realizar tareas cooperativas
QUARTZ: January 13th, These flying robots can self-assemble in flight
Bitcraze: November 27th, ModQuad – Self-Assemble Flying Structures
Bitcraze: November 13th, A Flying Gripper Based on Cuboid Modular Robots
IEEE Spectrum: May 18th, Spiral Zipper Creates Robot Arm Out of a Strip of Plastic
IEEE SSRR: October 19th, IEEE Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics 2015 Finalist for Best Paper
AHS International: May, Winners of AHS International 3rd Annual MAV Student Challenge
3DPrint.com: December 30th, Occam’s Razor Applied to New 3D Printed UAV Jimmy Paulo
Science News: September 23rd, Hybrid robot merges flier with two snakelike machines
IEEE RAS: June, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2014 Best Automation Paper Award
The Atlantic: “Imagine an Aircraft Carrier Made Out of … Robots,” Megan Garber, Feb. 27 2013
Engadget: February 27, UPenn robots spring into action, save wooden hero (video)
Phys.org: February 12, Swimming-pool ships make waves in modular robotics (w/ Video)
Gizmodo: February 11, Floating Swarm Bots Form Emergency Bridges, Runways, and Islands
IEEE Spectrum Automaton: February 11, Floating Robotic Shipping Containers Team Up to Create Islands and Runways
The Daily Pennsylvanian: February 3, Engineers design boat robots in Pottruck pool
Geekosystem: February 11, Hive-Minded Robots Now In the Water
ASME.org: November, Modular Robotics: The Next Generation
Fox 29 News (USA): March 19, Celebrating the Philadelphia Science Festival,
NewScientist MacGregor Campbell, “Robot builds its own body from sprayable foam,” Issue 2834, Oct. 19, 2011
NewScientist, Sandra Upson, “Go reconfigure: Machines that become whatever you want,” Issue 2808, April 19, 2011
Interaktywnie Translated from Polish “Inspector Gadget Terminator and one that is a new invention from DARPA” Feb. 25, 2010
New York Times: A Modular Robot That Puts Itself Back Together Again, Online Interactive & News Paper Article
The Gadget Show: Ortis Deley meets an awesome modular robot that can rebuild itself if it gets broken, Video
Deutschlandradio (German National Radio): Translated from German: The self-transformation of
machines, Modular robot repairs itself, September 10, 4:50PM, 2009
TV5 Quebec, Canada: Avenirs Possibles, September 25, 2009
Communications of the ACM “Shape-shifting material suggests morphable hardware” July 17, 2009
Discover Magazine: Top 100 Stories of 2008 #81: Smart-Matter Robots Reassemble Themselves, Magazine Article
Slashdot: Hardware Self-Healing Robots of Doom From UPenn, Online (Front Page)
Membrana:Translated from Russian: The pieces of the robot find each other after the explosion, October 20, 2008
ETNews:Translated from Korean: [Global Report] public eye level skills tailored to meet future, about CKBot at NextFest, October 12, 2008
Robot Watch: Translated from Japanese: International Conference on Robotics “ICRA 2008” report local competition, Noriko Kageki, May 30, 2008
New Scientist: Shape-shifting robots take form, Jeff Hecht, magazine Issue 2653, April 25, 2008
Wired News “Robot Rebuilds Itself From Scattered Pieces”, Ryan Singel Sep 27, 2008